Monday, October 26, 2015

Horse Gram

 Ayurveda is helpful in overcoming fat reduction, burning of subcutaneous fats, obesity and eases in weight loss.

Horse gram can best be described as a reddish brown legume which is packed with a number of health benefits. It can help with a number of health problems as it is a grain which contains a good and rich amount of vitamins, proteins, and iron. In addition to weight loss, it helps in reduction of extra fat from the body. Horse gram is rich in B-complex vitamin and proteins. It helps in purifying menstruation and cures and prevents arthritis. The presence of a good amount of dietary fibre in the gram helps balance sugar glucose and blood pressure levels.

Horse gram is an excellent natural fat burner, which can reduce tummy belly.

How to use Horse gram for weight loss?
 Boil ulavalu (horse gram) in ½ liter of water and prepare Jaava (semi-liquid).  Add little ginger, vamu (Ajwain), jeera (Cumin seeds) powder, pepper powder, saindhava lavanam (rock salt)  and boil the contents till it becomes thick liquid.

It is ideal to drink this soup / stock in the winters as it is ‘heat producing’.In the summers the quantity should be reduced. Beginners can start with 15 gm of the beans and then gradually increase the quantity to 50 gm.

By drinking this you not only reduce your weight but your Stomach-Belly-Tummy will also be reduced and the loose stomach-tummy-belly skin will also disappear.


Friday, October 23, 2015

Tippateega (Tinospora Cordifolia) and Triphala

The fact that the use of Tippateega (Guduchi) is useful in enhancing body metabolism means that it eliminates the chances of fat accumulation in the body. Moreover, Guduchi is also significant when it comes to improving the digestive system and in the reduction of high blood pressure. These two aspects eventually ensure that the odds of obtaining disorders such as obesity and weight related illnesses remains at nearly zero percent.

Triphala means “three fruits”. Those three fruits are Amalaki(Usirikaya), Haritaki( Karakkaya )and Bhibitaki(Tanikaya ).
Tippateega (Tinospora Cordifolia) powder
Karakkaya (Chebulic myrobalan) beradu (fiber) powder
Usirikaya (Indian Gooseberry) beradu (fiber) powder
Tanikaya (Belleric Myrobalan) beradu (fiber) powder


Usage:  Mix all the four in equal proportions and store in a glass bottle.  Take a teaspoonful of the mixture and mix it to a glass water and boil it till becomes half and filter it.  Allow it to cool, when it is lukewarm, mix two teaspoons of honey to it.  Take this daily in the mornings and evenings. 
Benefits:  This will remove all the excess fat that is hidden in the body. 

Note:  You may experience frequent bowel movements at the beginning, as this will remove all the wastage in the body.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Remove Excess Fat Using Mustard oil.

The mustard seed, or powder, is known to ‘warm’ the eater. Such warming generally makes one sweat, which helps the body to flush out any toxins. This gives the body a better ability to concentrate on breaking down fat.
          Research shows that mustard contains a multitude of different minerals, omega-3, fatty acids, and selenium. Fats such as omega-3 are classified as ‘essential’ fats the body needs, as they help with cell regeneration and keeping the synapses in the brain firing.
Mustard can also help break down lipid fat  by boosting the metabolism.


Avanune (Mustard oil) – 100 grams

Karpooram (Camphor) – 20 grams

Heat the 100 grams Avanune (mustard oil) on stove.  After heating, remove it from the stove and mix 20 grams of Karpooram (camphor) and stir it thoroughly and close the counter with a lid.  Allow it to cool down until the Karpooram (camphor) dissolves into the oil.

 Usage:  Apply little oil to stomach and portions where you have excess fat daily two times half-an-hour before bath and massage it smoothly from top to bottom and bottom to top, and left to right and right to left. 

Benefits:  This will reduce excess fat and get you into a good shape. You can apply this oil to the whole body, except on the head.

Mustard can support your metabolism, which makes you smolder fat quicker.

So add this magical ingredient to your diet to lose weight. But remember one thing it can helpful to lose weight, not a magic to lose weight. You need to eat low diet food and do some physical activity as well to lose weight. Mustard will help you to burn more calories



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Belly Reduction using Carom Seeds(Vaamu,Ajwain)

Carom Seeds are actually fruit pods that are also known as Bishop’s Weed, thymol seeds or Ajwain. They are pungent and are used in cooking for their unique taste. They are extensively used to relieve the body of indigestion and associated flatulence. Carom Seeds are also a remedy for a number of respiratory disorders.



Carom Seeds or Vaamu (Ajwain, Trachyspermum copticum):  100 grams

Patika Bellam (Candy Sugar):  100 grams

Cow’s ghee (Clarified butter):  100 grams


1.   Fry Vamu (Ajwain) and make fine powder and sieve it.  Add candy sugar powder and mix uniformly.  Boil cow’s ghee (clarified butter) to liquid state.  After removing it from the stove, add the above mixture of Vamu (Ajwain) and Candy sugar to the ghee, spoon by spoon, and stir it well.  Let it to cool down.  After it cools down, store it in a glass bottle.  This is also known as AGASTHYA LEHYAM

Usage:  Children ½ spoon; Elders : 1 spoon - 2 to 3 times a day after meals.

 Benefits:  Belly will reduce, improves digestion, Gas problems eliminate, old Back Pains are also eliminated.

2.   Drink half glass of water with soaked carom seeds on an empty stomach. This will dissolve the fats. Consume 1tsp of carom seeds on an empty stomach every morning. It helps to lose about 4 to 5 kg in a month .

Friday, July 10, 2015

Triphala For Weight Loss

What is Triphala?

The name Triphala means, “three fruits”. This refers to the three components that form the supplement, which are Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belerica. 

•       Emblica officinalis (Amalaki or Indian gooseberry) is known for its laxative and purgative properties. It is also extremely high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. The herb also aids in healing and blood clotting functions. It also breaks down fat accumulations and serum cholesterol.

•       Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) is a mild and safe laxative. It prevents blood clotting and improves stomach and digestive function. Terminalia chebula is commonly used to correct nutritional imbalances and streamline digestion.

•       Terminalia bellerica (Bibhitaki) is another Ayurvedic laxative. Additionally, it is beneficial to wound healing and has the ability to reduce fevers.  

Triphala is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine.
It is known to cleanse, tone and detoxify the digestive system which can be beneficial in a number of ways including for weight loss purposes.
Triphala acts as a laxative which can relieve constipation while fighting inflammation of the digestive system.

How to use Triphala Churna for Weight Loss?
1. Triphala in Water : Take 1 teaspoon of triphala (3 to 5 grams) and mix it in a glass of hot water. Stir the mixture until the powder is dissolved completely .Drink 1 glass everyday (have it warm).
2. Triphala with Honey : Mix 1 teaspoon or 5gms of Triphala Churna powder with 1 spoon of honey. This can be consumed orally for at least 3 months to lose the excess body weight. Taking it further is also not a problem as it doesn't do any harm.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Betal leafs for Weight Loss( Obesity)

The Betel (Piper betle) leaf when combined with pepper this mixture becomes a potent weight loss tool that shows results in about eight weeks. Here’s how it works and how you can use it.

How do Betel Leaves and Pepper help you to lose weight?

Betel leaves speed up your metabolism and also aids in preventing acidity by increasing the amount  of mucous in the stomach, protecting the stomach lining from the ill effects of gastric acids.
It also helps get rid of toxins from youe stomach and helps relieve constipation(due to high fiber content).
Also according to Ayurveda texts betel leavers help reduce medha dhatu( body fat) in your body, hastening the weight loss process.On the other hand, pepper contains phytonutrients and piperine that helps in the break down of fat . The piperine content of black pepper makes it a great  digestive.

How to use: 
Take one betel leaf (make sure it is tender and green) and add 5 pepper corns to it. Now fold it up and chew on this. The pepper may be a bit too pungent for you in the beginning, so you can chew on it and keep it in your mouth, allowing your saliva to carry the nutrients into your stomach. Have this on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning for about 8 weeks.