Friday, October 23, 2015

Tippateega (Tinospora Cordifolia) and Triphala

The fact that the use of Tippateega (Guduchi) is useful in enhancing body metabolism means that it eliminates the chances of fat accumulation in the body. Moreover, Guduchi is also significant when it comes to improving the digestive system and in the reduction of high blood pressure. These two aspects eventually ensure that the odds of obtaining disorders such as obesity and weight related illnesses remains at nearly zero percent.

Triphala means “three fruits”. Those three fruits are Amalaki(Usirikaya), Haritaki( Karakkaya )and Bhibitaki(Tanikaya ).
Tippateega (Tinospora Cordifolia) powder
Karakkaya (Chebulic myrobalan) beradu (fiber) powder
Usirikaya (Indian Gooseberry) beradu (fiber) powder
Tanikaya (Belleric Myrobalan) beradu (fiber) powder


Usage:  Mix all the four in equal proportions and store in a glass bottle.  Take a teaspoonful of the mixture and mix it to a glass water and boil it till becomes half and filter it.  Allow it to cool, when it is lukewarm, mix two teaspoons of honey to it.  Take this daily in the mornings and evenings. 
Benefits:  This will remove all the excess fat that is hidden in the body. 

Note:  You may experience frequent bowel movements at the beginning, as this will remove all the wastage in the body.

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